Friday, December 5, 2008

Perceptions, Positive or Negative

A pitfall of the holidays is that it is easy to focus on the negative. You might begin to see lack, becoming critical of others and of yourself. You might be sensitive about what you cannot buy without going over your budget, not having enough time to prepare, family members that do not get along and feeling like too much is expected of you. When you focus on the negative you will see things that confirm that perception. Try a new tactic this year. Make a choice to focus on the positive. Consider the positive things that happened this year. Keep a gratitude list. Notice what has occurred this past year that worked out well. What are some things that others have done that you appreciate? When you make a decision to look for the positive, you will notice positive things around you. That will help to elevate your mood. Not only will you feel better, but others will notice your positive outlook as well.

Read more by Loren Fogelman at

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